Our Foster Chick Care parents will be caring for these chick for about two weeks. They will share what they are learning and the pleasure of just caring for a new little life. The chicks will return to go to local farm families. We have a variety of brown egg laying breed chicks. The first challenge is to identify the breeds of chicks they have adopted!
Can you guess by looking at the pictures? Don't get too distracted by the cute smiles of their foster parents.
Aiden thinks his chicks are the Wellsummer variety, although we don't know for sure. The chicks are really growing! We like to watch them peck and scratch at the woodchips in the bottom of their brroding box. We have named our three chicks cutie, fluffy and rainbow dash. We have learned to tell them apart but the won't come when called. This afternoon the neighborhood kids are going to meet the chicks. Who knows maybe next year they will be foster parents!