On April 15th at 3:30 pm 12 students will be trained how to take care of baby chicks for their first two weeks of life.
Registration will begin online at 8 AM on March 20th, 2012. Last year the class was full in the first two minutes. Students cannot register if they have done the program before. (Hint) Phone registrations are too slow.
This has been a very special program for animal loving families. The program has evolved since the first session originated in the Spring of 2000. Veteran students help mentor and train new students by sharing their experiences at this training session. At the end of the two week experience the families gather to share what they have learned about the chicks and about their connection with them through a poster party.
Each child will receive three chicks, a special brood box, light, food, water container, thermometer and litter that will house the chicks. They will have a list of things to do and have support if issue or questions occur.
If you are not able to be a part of the Chick Care Program this year there will be many other activities online and at the Library that will be interesting and inviting.
Stay Tuned!