Friday, July 31, 2009

Two White Leghorn Hens

Two White Leghorn Hens
Originally uploaded by librarian.laura

These two hens were too hard to catch so they are staying with me. All the other chicks went to a farm in Southern Indiana.

I heard a story that you could tell a rooster from a hen by how quick they moved as chicks. The hens tend to run and hide while the rooster is more likely to be in the middle of the commotion. The comb grows slower on the hen's head and their legs may be shorter.

All the 2009 library chicks that I have (6) will attend the carnival on August 7th. See you there!

Three Hens and a Rooster

Three Hens and a Rooster
Originally uploaded by librarian.laura

The chicks have grown a bit. It looks like one of the New Hamphire Bantams is a rooster. It has been quiet around the yard in the morning so he can add to the atmosphere when he learns to crow. He does not have any other rooster to compete with. It may take him a while to start crowing. The "peeps" have been replaced by a crackly murmur. It is a strange sound for a chicken. I think they are trying to find their grown up voice.