Cupcakes and Ice Cream
Originally uploaded by librarian.laura
After the poster presentations and the sad "good-byes" to our little chicks, we had cup cakes and ice cream.
After the poster presentations and the sad "good-byes" to our little chicks, we had cup cakes and ice cream.
Congratulations to all the Foster Chick Parents for a successful 10+ days of poultry husbandry!
For some, this was their first experience holding a small wiggly animal. Timid and a bit scared at first, the students changed and grew to become confident and knowledgeable poultry experts. Each student presented a photo poster of their experience with the chicks. The posters will be on display in Youth Services for the next month.
"Speckles has a black spot on top of his head. She likes to sleep in the food bowl.
Sunshine's feathers are bright yellow. She is very talkative.
Sparkles is kind of brownish and is very sleepy."
"Our chicks are called William, Kate and Queenie. We chose those names as they are some of the Royal Wedding names, and we are English. Im not sure who is who yet...they are too busy sleeping!"
Peep, Beaky and Feathers get along well.
When we put our fingers to the plastic
box/wall they like to peck at it.
It is sooooooocute. We love them.
We get to move them to our bedroom tonight.
This is going to be fun! Bet there will be
alot of peeping in our room!
Especially from Peep!
Peep is very very very very peepy. That's why we
named it Peep. Beaky is very yellow and
very sleepy.
Feathers has very huge fluff!
"I am so excited to finally get these little yellow fluff balls! They are so sweet!"
"I chose the names Fluffy, Fluffball, and Fuzzy. Fluffball looks most like a fluffball and is the most fluffy. I'm excited to babysit the chicks because they're the first animal that I get to take care of that I can snuggle and hold. I've only had fish before. The chicks feel so fuzzy and soft and fluffy!"